How To Make Sure Your Call Center Project Succeeds

call center project

Feel like the deck is stacked against you when it comes to contracting the call center to the right partner? You’re not the first manager to feel that way. Many have—and with good reason. Outsourcing (call center project) has grown increasingly complex over the last few years. There are more options, more potential benefits, and more technological advancements to consider. You also must consider new kinds of risks—risks that didn’t exist a decade or so ago. So it’s understandable if you’re feeling a little confused. In fact, it would be surprising if you didn’t.

But expert vendors offer too many benefits to dismiss out of hand.

The 9-step program described below can help you sort things out. Following it helps ensure that you reap all benefits.

1. Assess The Situation

Make a systematic assessment of the situation. Is this a service you really want to outsource instead of doing it in-house?

Also, determine if it will make a tangible impact on your department, your company, and your customers. If you decide it will then define the scope of the call center project.

2. Make A Business Case

Having decided it makes business sense, develop a good business case for it. First, decide on your overall business objectives. These will be different in every case and should go beyond just saving money.

Second, determine if you can track the project at a granular level. This will help you determine if the call center project can achieve the overall business objectives you set for it.

3. Do Your Homework On Vendors

Hiring the right service provider is critical. You’ll need one that fits your needs. So do your home work well. Putting in the time now will save you headaches later on.

First, develop a list of potential providers. Next, evaluate each according to the specific criteria you develop. In doing so make sure you determine each provider’s strengths and weaknesses.

Finally, rank them according to how well they fit your needs. Invite the top three in for interviews.

4. Make Sure You’re Compatible

You’ll want to choose a service provider compatible with your organization and how you like to do things. Their values must align with yours. If they don’t, things won’t go smoothly.

Working with a compatible service provider is critical to ensuring that your customers get the quality of experience they deserve. So take your time getting to know each of the three service providers you interview.

5. Determine The Relationship’s Scope

Decide on the kind of relationship you want with your service provider early on. Do you want them to provide just the service itself?

Or do you want them to provide some added value to customers? Are you looking for business help from them as well?

6. Align Business Strategy And Goals For Service Providers

Both organizations must be focused on the same business strategies and goals. It’s not unusual that the two organizations are misaligned in the project’s core objective.

It’s your job to get them aligned, keep them aligned, and help your provider stay focused on these goals.

7. Stay In Touch With Service Provider

Good communications are a must for all inbound call center projects. So stay in touch with your service provider—constantly. Keeping an open dialog with the provider benefits everyone including customers.

8. Choose The Right Account Person

Make sure you designate the right person to oversee day-to-day activities. Also, make sure you have the right reporting vehicles and the right checks and balances in place.

9. Develop The Right Feedback Mechanisms

Determine the metrics and feedback mechanisms you’ll need to judge the provider’s performance. Governance is crucial to both short-term and long-term success.

Also, re-evaluate the project constantly. Make sure it’s achieving your project’s goals and that it still makes sense over the long haul.

Start Small To Increase Odds

Following this 9-step program helps you eliminate the confusion that often comes with outsourcing. It also ensures success. So don’t skip any steps.

To increase the odds of succeeding, start small. But make sure the project you choose can make a tangible impact on your company.

Later on, you can take on more challenging projects that can transform your company.

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