A recent survey showed that a whopping 60 percent of small businesses admitted having a hard time finding the right skilled workers to fill key positions. This comes as no surprise. Companies of all sizes are having a hard time finding the right employees even with an unemployment rate hovering around 7 percent. But even if the rate were much higher, hiring employees is a challenge—the kind of employees that care more about quality than money. Even huge companies with full HR staff struggle to find this type of person.
What can companies lacking dedicated HR resources do to find the right employees?
6 Tips On Hiring Employees That Go The Extra Mile.
1. Sell Them On More Than Just The Salary
Salary is important to job candidates, but it’s not the only thing people cite as factor in job satisfaction. If you’re looking to negotiate a fair salary for great employees you need to sell the candidate on more than just the salary.
Your company might already offer something appealing to potential employees and you might not realize it.
Some things people cite as important for job satisfaction include:
- Flexible Scheduling
- Working Remotely
- Having Their Own Office
- On-site Child Care
- Generous Retirement Matching
Analyze what your company has that is appealing to job candidates. Use these factors to entice the best candidates. It will allow you to attract the best people while also being able to negotiate fair salaries.
2. Create Your Recruitment Strategy
Meet with the key employees who will select and interview candidates and develop a good recruitment strategy. If you have a hiring manager, he or she is key to developing a sound strategy.
Make sure everyone is on board with the job analysis and review what key skills and characteristics you’re looking for in the new hire. Developing a hiring checklist will streamline and systematize the process.
3. Use Targeted Recruiting Methods
Use targeted methods, like social media to find job candidates. LinkedIn is the “go-to” social media site for targeted recruiting. Not only can you advertise on LinkedIn, but you can also zero in on candidates with key skill sets and handpick them. You can also use a staffing agency to create a qualified candidate list.
4. Create A Shortlist
Review all applications thoroughly. Eliminate those non-qualifiers as quickly as you can. Then create a shortlist of the best candidates as soon as possible. Creating a shortlist lets you focus on key candidates and spend more time on them.
Screen candidates on the shortlist thoroughly. Use a bulleted checklist of skills, characteristics, and qualifications to match them to job requirements. The careful screening takes time, but it helps narrow your shortlist down to the top two or three candidates.
5. While Hiring Employees Inspire Them With Your Vision
People want to make a difference in the world. If you’re looking for people to commit to your company and you’re only selling the position as “just another job” you’re going to struggle to find the best people.
Open up with interviewees about your company’s vision for the future. Share your ambitious goals and how the team is working to change how things are done.
You can do the same thing when posting job descriptions. Share the company vision. People are attracted to passion. They want to be part of something that makes a difference.
6. Before Hiring Employees Develop A Large Pool Of Candidates
Perhaps the best way of finding the right person for a job is to develop a large pool of qualified candidates before you need them. A larger pool of qualified candidates increases your chances of hiring the right person when a position opens up.
Keep tabs on what these candidates are doing at their present jobs, especially if they’re in your industry. Develop a relationship with them, if you can. That way you can contact them immediately when creating your pool of qualified candidates.
Finding an employee that cares about more than money is a challenge. The tips discussed above can kick-start the selection process.
But don’t rush the effort. Take your time making the decision and do your homework before selecting someone.
Hiring the wrong candidate can really cost you.
We’d love to hear additional tips you may have on hiring employees that will go the extra mile?
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