What’s your primary goal as a manager of an inbound call center? If it’s not delivering consistent customer experiences, it should be. Why—because companies that deliver consistent customer experiences tend to focus on building relationships with customers. Companies that focus on building relationships generate higher customer satisfaction ratings and increased profits. That’s not surprising to hear. But delivering great customer experiences does something else—something that even money can’t do. It creates passionate brand advocates.
Adopting a well-conceived CXM strategy can help you create passionate brand advocates—customers that not only praise your products and services, they also actively promote them.
And that can generate millions in company profits.
Customers Want The Same Experience
Customers want the same experience across all touchpoints—one that exceeds their expectations. If they don’t get it, they’ll be unhappy. Unhappy customers reduce customer satisfaction.
But delivering consistent customer experiences is a challenge. That’s because many customer journeys are multi-channel affairs, with multiple touchpoints.
They may start with e-mail and end with a phone call, but they also encounter other touchpoints in between.
Regardless of how many touchpoints are involved, customers see their journey as one overall experience. It’s this overall experience that determines customer satisfaction.
You need to start thinking this way when it comes to customer experience. And you need to adopt strategies that can help you build that experience.
Delivering Consistent Customer Experiences – CXM Strategy To The Rescue
Savvy companies are adopting CXM strategies to deliver consistent customer experiences. That’s something even a well-designed website can’t do—at least not without help.
Sure, websites are good ways to engage customers. But they can’t deliver consistent, frictionless customer experiences across all touchpoints.
That’s because the traditional content management system (CMS) behind most websites isn’t equipped to handle the multi-channel demands of customers.
But adding the right CXM technology to your CMS as part of a broader, company-wide CXM strategy can boost your system’s ability to create a consistent customer experience.
CXM integrates everything including content marketing, cross-channel marketing, social marketing, loyalty programs, demand generation, and marketing automation as well as online engagement optimization.
More important, CXM transforms the way you and your agents (like those in an inbound call center) think about customers.
Delivering Consistent Experiences – Not Just A Matter of Survival
Adopting a well-conceived CXM strategy provides numerous benefits—benefits that other strategies can’t offer.
In addition to boosting revenues, CXM can expand brand loyalty through positive customer experiences, reduce the costs of managing digital engagements, and drive sales and demand.
In addition, it can boost the levels of customer and user engagement and improve customer data integration and sharing across the enterprise.
Adopting a CXM strategy isn’t about creating a survival mechanism that can help you weather a seasonal downturn. It’s about developing a solution that can provide a distinct competitive advantage.
Delivering Consistent Customer Experiences To Gain Ground With Companies
CXM is gaining ground with marketers worldwide. How do these companies measure the impact of their CXM strategy?
Some use return on investment (ROI). The traditional way C-suite executives measure the impact of a program on their companies, ROI equates success with dollars and cents. That may not be the best approach.
Others use return on the relationship (ROR). It measures the value accrued by a person or brand from nurturing an entire relationship.
Then there are those that use Return On Experience (ROE). It measures the individual experience in a single transaction plus the sum of all experiences across all touchpoints and channels between a customer and a supplier over the duration of their relationship.
Regardless of how you measure CXM, its time has come. A good CXM strategy can help deliver consistent, frictionless customer experiences across all touchpoints.
And that can help create passionate brand advocates—something even money can’t buy.
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