7 Steps To A Great Mobile Content Strategy

Content Strategy

We now have more than 7 billion people in the world. More than 5 billion of them have mobile phones. Clearly, mobile phones are here to stay. The increased use of mobile is a great boon to you no matter what your business. You can now connect with consumers anytime anywhere. Taking advantage of this opportunity can boost sales and profits dramatically. But you can only do it if you can engage consumers with the right content on the right device & a perfect content strategy.

Savvy marketers understand this challenge. So they provide consumers with engaging content designed specifically for the mobile experience.

The first step in creating this type of information is to develop a comprehensive mobile content strategy. Below is a 7-step process that can help you do this.

Know Your Consumer’s Buying Journey

Today’s customers often take non-traditional paths to buy products and services. These non-traditional paths can differ from customer to customer. But you need to create consistent customer experience across all channels to be successful.

So a critical step in developing an effective content strategy is understanding the consumer’s buying journey. Once you know this, you can then develop the required content (and information) and make it available to customers across all channels and all devices.

Rethink How You Create Content – Build A Content Strategy

Globalization is changing the way content needs to be created. Think in terms of creating content that you can share across brands, sites, and languages. You’ll also need to create content tailored to multiple discrete versions of your website.

One approach to doing this is to “atomize” your content. In other words, divide it into discrete parts. You can then share the individual parts with customers as they get more interested in your information.

Suit The Content To The Device

In addition to “atomized” information, you also need to create content that can be produced and replicated across a variety of channels. This means you need to tailor your content to the consumer’s device. Consumers want content in a mobile format that’s relevant to them.

Meet The Need For Speed

Today’s consumers lack patience. They want content that downloads quickly on their mobile devices. If they don’t get it, they move on. To satisfy this need for speed, optimize your website for mobile content. Also, make sure your images and other assets scale automatically to the consumer’s device.

Simply Search Efforts

Today’s device of choice to access the web is consumers’ phones or tablets. Often, consumers know exactly what it is they want. To simplify search efforts.

Make it quick and easy for consumers to find the content and information they want. Also, make sure both your mobile and non-mobile sites work well.

Make It Easy For Customers On The Go

Consumers are using mobile sites and apps in increasing numbers. They like to check what you have to offer while on the go. That’s because mobile is big on maps, directions, and location information.

Make it easy for people to locate you using their mobile phones. Location-based targeting drives foot traffic to stores and purchases on the spot.

Align The Customer Experience Using Content Strategy

Separating mobile from the web can confuse customers. It can also dilute your brand message. Instead, use a “one channel” approach. Make the experience of interacting with your brand universal across all platforms.

Also, fine-tune analytics to see how customers interact with mobile content. Use this knowledge to improve the experience over time.

Use this 7-step process to develop a mobile content strategy tailored specifically to your customers’ needs and demands.

Doing so will help you trigger additional sales from the more than 6.8 billion people now using cell phones globally.

Take advantage of this opportunity to reach your customers anytime anyplace. Your competitors are.

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