Using Technology To Drive Employee Engagement

Employee Engagement

The writing is on the wall: Technology drives employee engagement.

And leading the way is BYOD—bring your own device to work.

Here are some interesting stats about BYOD:

  • 81% of employees use at least one personal technology tool on the job
  • 30% of these employees admit they would disobey a policy banning the use of their own devices at work
  • 69% of the employees are interested in BYOA where employees create/use their own custom apps at work

Yet 60% of today’s employers do not support BYOD—many because they believe it puts their businesses at risk. Meanwhile, only 10% of companies are fully aware of all their employees’ devices.

Clearly, there is a disconnect between the two.

But there shouldn’t be. BYOD is a highly effective employee engagement tool—one that can help you win the hearts and minds of your employees.

And when you do that, you win the hearts and minds of customers.

Not Just An HR Term

Employee engagement isn’t just an intangible HR term. It’s a vital organizational tool. So what is employee engagement?

William Kahn provided the first formal definition of the concept. According to Kahn, employee engagement is:

“…the harnessing of organization members selves to their work roles; in engagement, people employ and express themselves physically, cognitively, and emotionally during role performances.”

In other words, employee engagement relates to an employee’s positive or negative attachment to his or her job, colleagues, and organization.

Employee engagement profoundly influences an employee’s willingness to learn and perform at work.

Employee Engagement Impacts The Balance Sheet

Now that we know what employee engagement is, we have to ask ourselves one question: How critical is employee engagement to a company’s success?


Employee engagement directly impacts employee morale, commitment, and industriousness, experts say. That’s great.

But employee engagement also impacts a company’s balance sheet.

A Gallop survey indicates that 70% of employees are disengaged at work. This level of disengagement costs the U.S. economy an estimated $450 billion a year.

That’s right—$450 billion a year!

The survey also says that the remaining 30% of “engaged” employees produce “most of the innovative ideas, create most of a company’s new customers, and generate most of an organization’s entrepreneurial energy.”

BYOD (and BYOA) can help you tap the reservoir of employee engagement at your company.

Four Things To Consider While Planning Employee Engagement

Still not convinced about the value of BYOD and employee engagement? Consider these four things:

  • Many employees see BYOD as a right

These employees believe their personal tools are more effective and useful than the tools provided by employers. More importantly, they would disregard company policies against using personal devices at work, as we said above.

  • Collaboration is increasing

Collaboration between employees on projects is at an all-time high. Most collaboration activities depend on mobile technology to get the job done.

Keep in mind that mobile enterprise investments are expected to increase by 30% through 2015. This makes the move toward BYOD easier and more cost-effective.

  • Workers comfort level with technology

IT at many companies is endorsing BYOD technology because of the worker’s comfort levels. According to Network World, 84% of Fortune 100 companies use iPhone and iPad type devices.

What’s more, mobile-driven projects will outnumber PC-driven projects by four to one by 2015. Workers’ comfort level with mobile technology will help them become more engaged and motivated.

  • Generates cost savings

Many companies that have embraced BYOD are realizing significant cost savings and increased corporate productivity, which helps boosts the bottom line.

If you’ve been ignoring BYOD, take another look at it. BYOD can cut costs, increase productivity, and boost the bottom line.

More important, it can drive employee engagement—and that can transform your company.

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